MIUI6 is a tailor-made system based on Android OS by Xiaomi, the Top5 smartphone brand according to Gartner.
Xiaomi descreetly started to develop its own linux-core OS - MIOS - back to April 2013. MIOS is an embedded Operating System which allow users to execute apps via browser. So we consider MIOS is a highly custom-tailored OS based on Firefox OS.
It will has the same interface and UI design as MIUI, so that people can bearly tell the difference between them. On the other hand, MIUI users can be transfered into MIOS Users seamlessly. That will save a lot of time, trouble and cost for Xiaomi.
In order to promote its own OS, Xiaomi brought 2 new domains ( mios.cn and mios.com.cn ) from 3rd party.