China has a new policy: If Beijing doesn't like the text messages you send in the country, your cellphone will be disabled, preventing you from sending or receiving messages.

According to the government newspaper China Daily, Beijing has banned "illegal or unhealthy" content in SMS messages, but it hasn't defined exactly what that entails.

Is it part of Beijing's recent anti-pornography push? Would sending a racy message to your husband or wife shut down your phone? (If so, that could have saved Tiger Woods and former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick a lot of trouble.)

It remains a mystery. "The standard for determining whether a message is unhealthy or not is based on 13 criteria handed down by nine central government departments," reports China Daily. "No details of the criteria were given."


Since the public is encouraged to report violators, what is to stop someone malicious from falsely accusing rivals of an offense? That could leave people's phone connections in the hands of business competitors, rowdy neighbors or jealous exes.


Extending China's obsession with monitoring what people write and read all the way to cellphones adds another layer to the mille-feuille of censorship there.

It's been 32 years since China began to modernize and turn towards capitalism, but it still lacks a free press. While the Chinese press has been allowed to expose more issues in recent years--including China Daily's recent coverage of the cellphone censorship--the propaganda ministry bars journalists from saying certain things. For example, forget about calling Chairman Mao a murderer.

China has an estimated 40,000 Internet monitors, who shut down Chinese sites that publish banned material and block Chinese readers from accessing sensitive foreign Web sites. China does all of this in an effort to promote stability, and ultimately to preserve the reign of the Communist Party.

For instance, Beijing simply unplugged 20 million people after unrest last summer -- for about six months. It shut down telecommunications across the Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region following July riots in Urumqi. Nearly 200 people were killed there after a Muslim minority demonstration turned into an ethnic riot pitting Uighurs against Han Chinese.

Authorities vowed to restore order, so they blocked the Internet, barred international calls and shut down text messaging --for nearly six months. Late last month, authorities gradually began to lift the Internet ban: Residents can now reach two government sites and two Chinese commercial websites, according to China Daily. After half a year, limited cell phone texting was turned back on this week. Residents are limited to sending 20 messages a day, and only to phone numbers in mainland China.

Rioters aren't the only ones without access to information. Foreign visitors in China's 5-star hotels still cannot get a daily Western paper in the morning; newspapers arrive in the afternoon, after being vetted by censors.

During 2010, China is expected to become the world's second-largest economy. Such a powerful country should surely now have the confidence to stop monitoring, censoring and threatening the peaceful, everyday actions of its citizens. Only then will the rest of the world stop worrying about the rise of a rich, technologically advanced authoritarian state.