One of my biggest nightmares is that I wake up in a Chinese hospital. I'm scared not because the doctors lack knowledge or their equipment is old--the opposite is often true--but because of the endemic corruption there. In China stories abound of patients' families slipping packets of money into doctors' hands before surgery to ensure good care. Sometimes they feel compelled to give money because they worry that otherwise the doctor will retaliate by giving them too little anesthesia or stitching them up sloppily.
A Chinese hospital can be a scary place if you don't have money or connections. It seems that every week the Chinese media tell of a hospital denying treatment that costs only $50, leading to the death of a poor person who had no cash on him. That is why the billionaire Mr. Chen, who I wrote about in "What I Learned from A Chinese Billionaire," walks the halls of hospitals giving out money to poor people as they wait in line for hours to see doctors. Mr. Chen feels he is literally saving lives when he does that.
Why is there so much corruption in China's health care system? Part of the problem is that doctors make so little. A brain surgeon named Dr. Xie at a famous hospital complained to me that he officially made only $400 a month, which is less than many factory workers now get. Doctors can't make money legally, he lamented. Some 95% of hospitals are state-owned, and the government caps consultations at $2 to $3 even for the country's most famous doctors, so that even peasants can afford to see the best ones.
Although capping prices has an honorable motive, the low pay inevitably leads to corruption. In order to be able to live the lives they think they deserve, many doctors take home hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in bribes from patients. They also overprescribe medicines and get kickbacks from pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies. It's not uncommon for a patient to go to a doctor with a common cold and be sent home with five boxes of pills and an IV drip.
The Chinese government recognizes corruption as a serious problem and has been cracking down not just in the hospital system but also in the political ranks. Every week the government publicly arrests or executes some doctor or official who has hurt the public trust. A few years ago it even arrested the powerful party secretary of Shanghai, Chen Liangyu.
Yet even with the threat of execution and arrest, corruption still remains endemic and the government seems to make little headway. What can the government do? It should look to the San Francisco Police Department for an answer.
Last month I met a captain in the San Francisco P.D. named John Goldberg who told me that starting officers there make around $85,000 a year and salaries top a quarter million for senior officers. At first I was a little taken aback by all that money, paid by tax dollars, and with the U.S. stuck in a budget crisis. After all, a starting officer makes about as much as a starting investment banker at Goldman Sachs ( GS - news - people ) and more than many people at Google ( GOOG - news - people ) or Apple ( AAPL - news - people ). That hardly seemed fair.
But then, Captain John continued, corruption is not a big problem in the department, because people are paid so well they don't want to risk sacrificing their package. He told me that when he joined in the 1970s, senior officers said to him, "Look at how much you get paid. That's a lot of money. Don't do anything stupid that could risk it."
Captain John was right. You have to pay people enough so they won't want to do anything to endanger their position. I did some research and found that police departments that pay higher tend to have fewer corruption problems than forces like New Orleans', where pay is low. Would you rather have a well-paid officer protect you or an underpaid one walking your streets with a gun?
The Chinese government feels that if it paid its officials well or let hospitals charge more to pay doctors better, ordinary citizens would get angry. Even officials at the most senior levels typically make only a thousand dollars a month. Just like doctors, many of them, too, turn to corruption, as I wrote in "Learning from China's Sex Business." However, they get benefits like automobiles, so people see them as well compensated anyway. Most Chinese think of officials as living in villas and driving Mercedes-Benzes, with their wives and mistresses wearing Tiffany ( TIF - news - people ) jewelry.
There was shock last year when one official's diary detailing his sexual escapades hit the Internet. People were shocked not that he had taken bribes to pay for weekly visits to hookers but that those bribes had totaled only $10,000 over many years. They thought the amount would be much greater.
People don't begrudge high salaries for important officials (in Singapore they pay cabinet-level ministers more than a million dollars a year, to attract the best people) as long as those salaries are transparent and publicly available. They get angry when they perceive that there's corruption and overpay and compensation based on connections.
In health care China's government should allow more private hospitals that can charge market rates. Most of the few private hospitals cater to foreigners; there should be more for Chinese. Of the several dozen doctors my firm interviewed, the majority said they'd be willing to take half the compensation they get now, including their bribes and kickbacks, if their salaries were guaranteed and they didn't have to take bribes.
It won't be easy for China to stamp out corruption in the health care and government, but more must be done. It isn't surprising that higher wages reduce corruption. China should look to Captain John and the rest of the San Francisco Police Department for guidance.