The dichotomy between the world's two greatest economies is the tension most impacting the financial markets and geopolitics today. The U.S. wants to add to already substantial amounts of indebtedness to avoid deflation and to stimulate the economy by dint of lower interest rates. China, on the other hand, wishes to dampen its economic growth and stifle growing inflation by raising its interest rates, which it just did this week. Two opposite paths to avoid crisis, and another violent battering of financial markets.

Ben Bernanke hopes quantitative easing will increase the flow of credit to the domestic economy and stimulate job creation. China's Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, is plainly worried about asset bubbles forming in real estate and other activities in China.

Zhou sounds the opposite pole from Bernanke; domestic credit expansion still remains strong. "There are potential risks from cross-border capital flows," Zhou said Thursday. "Macroeconomic risks linked to excessive liquidity, inflation, asset bubbles and a cyclical rise in bad bank loans are rising significantly."

Irony of ironies is that China is flat-out worried about the excess liquidity flowing from the rest of the world, driving up inflation and threatening bubbles. America is flat-out anxious about how to get its excessive credit to get invested at home and create jobs. Getting all of this wrong would be a nightmare for other Asian nations dependent on exports to China, and on U.S. manufacturers praying for double the level of exports.

China can't afford to blow up, because its next five-year economic plan must concentrate substantial resources on "social well-being," spending on household income and social welfare for the poorest Chinese, who are being moved from rural areas to urban centers. Its extraordinary 10% rate of growth is bound to slow to 8% due to the 12th Five-Year Plan, just in its inception stage.

China will also be constrained by other developments as well. New policies to tighten the real estate market and dampen speculation were introduced in late September. For example, mandatory down payments for commercial residential housing were raised to 30%, and banks must prevent consumer loans from being used for the purchase of housing. That's wise in view of what took place in the U.S. from 2007 onward.

Next year China faces another serious challenge. It will need to set aside funds to take care of the increase in retirees that will begin to outpace the working force in the labor pool, Roubini Global Economics pointed out recently. Then, too, as the supply of youthful workers shrinks, wages should rise and push up the rate of inflation and the cost of capital. A great emerging market has emerging problems as well.

So China needs to cool down and the U.S. has to heat up. Those seem to be contrasting objectives in a global economy that's extremely interdependent and not particularly ebullient. Still, global stocks rebounded in the third quarter; the MSCI World Index rose 13.8%, the second-strongest third quarter in the 40 years of the index. Asian stocks stumbled briefly when China raised its interest rates. Clearly the flow of investment funds to an economy growing at 8% instead of 10% should continue undiminished compared with the U.S., which might be growing GDP at an annual rate of 1% to 2%.

Moreover, China looks to be signaling the identity of its new political leaders in 2012 and making transparent its broad economic targets that don't require votes by a legislative branch. Will gridlock politically and deep structural problems in a stagnant economy be seen as an attractive place to risk money, when you can count on economic growth that is a multiple of that in the U.S.?

That's the predicament investors face: the stagnant economy you know, with surprising profits reports, or the mysterious East you don't know, but which looks to be the market of the future.