Dear Mr. Trump:

As prominent of a businessman as you are, and your buildings which dot the Manhattan landscape speak to your prominence, your recent bashing of China subtracts from your stature. We surely live in a wonderful world for China to have risen from the communist dead so quickly such that you feel the need to talk this still very poor country down.

The problem, and this explains your firing, is that your musings reveal a shocking lack of knowledge about how rich and poor economies work, the purpose of currencies, and the role of comparative advantage in lifting all economic boats. So that you don’t sue for wrongful termination, let me explain your dismissal.

For one, almost like a broken record, you repeat with great regularity the false assumption that China’s monetary authorities are issuing an artificially weak currency. The mere suggestion reveals that you’ve blatantly talked out of turn.


Indeed, what you don’t acknowledge, or perhaps don’t understand, is that since 1994 China has pegged its yuan to the dollar. Basically China has done what countless other countries do, and that’s been to measure its currency in dollar terms.

In short, China’s yuan is weak because the dollar is weak. If the dollar were strong, so would be the yuan. All currencies are concepts in the unfortunate world we live in of fiat money, and the Chinese currency is way too cheap precisely because the two presidential administrations since 2000 have successfully and wrongly overseen the dollar’s devaluation.

That you continue to miss this essential truth is a fireable offense on its own, but there’s more to go over, including more on the matter of currencies.

As a builder, ultimately you express yourself in terms of feet and inches, and in your case, square footage. But imagine if the length of the foot changed each day, each hour, and each second, much as the value of the dollar does, and by proxy, the yuan. In your case, you could still build grand buildings, but you’d probably erect a great deal less at much greater cost (all the mathematicians needed to account for the constant change in the length of the foot) while innocently committing a great deal more building mistakes.

And while the dollar has proven a less than stellar currency to peg to under the Bush and Obama administrations, having a relationship with the world’s reserve currency is the best way for the Chinese to put a value on their goods so that they can be exchanged for others. Ultimately we trade products for products, and to express oneself in a currency whose value is defined by the dollar is the best way to facilitate those exchanges.

Still, you no doubt remain of the belief that a yuan weakened by its dollar peg somehow makes Chinese goods more attractive on the world market. To see why this isn’t true, let’s once again use the luxurious condos and apartments within your magnificent buildings.

Though the foot’s length doesn’t change, imagine if it did, and the foot suddenly represented 6, rather than 12 inches. At first glance, your properties would quickly appear even more valuable than they are; as in your 4,000 square foot apartments would suddenly be 8,000 square feet. All of a sudden your properties would look relatively cheap for their size, that is until customer walkthroughs reveal that what is 8,000 square feet in nominal terms is really only 4,000.

And just as you couldn’t fool your customers with a devaluation of the foot, neither can the Chinese trick theirs with a debased yuan. If the yuan weakens, the cost of shipping, labor and imported inputs necessary to make saleable goods must rise. In short, there’s no benefits gained from devaluation anymore than you would benefit if President Obama decided to shorten the foot. We once again trade products for products, money is the measuring stick, and if the dollar or yuan cheapens, this will ultimately reflect itself in a higher dollar or yuan price.

Of course it’s not just China’s currency policies that bother you. You’re also troubled by all the “things” they make for us, not to mention all the “things” you buy from them on the way to creating your amazing real estate landmarks. You’d rather Americans make those “things.” To remedy this, you’d like to impose a 25% tariff on Chinese goods.

This too is a fireable offense because it reveals a great deal of shortsightedness on your part. Indeed, owning a Trump property is for most Americans a sign that they’ve made it, but it’s also true that most Americans aren’t born with the cash to buy a Trump condo.

Thanks, however, to Chinese imports that raise our standard of living, Americans are able to save and invest more of their earnings on the way to eventually having the means to buy from you. To put up barriers to Chinese goods is not only to rob Americans of their liberty, but it’s to also take from them a greater ability to amass wealth.

Furthermore, absent these Chinese imports that you’ve acknowledged purchase of, your cost of building would certainly rise. This would harm your profits, and with reduced profits would come a reduced ability on your part to access capital on the way to expanding your impressive real estate empire.

To that you may say so what, you’re so rich that you don’t need outside investors, but even if true, your stance would remain extraordinarily shortsighted.

Indeed, in your desire to bring back those manufacturing jobs in China, you forget that China remains a staggeringly poor country. The average daily manufacturing wage in China would buy a Starbuck’s latte in the United States.

So assuming these jobs were to return to the U.S., in order to fill them Americans almost by definition would have to take huge pay cuts to make for you what others can far more cheaply. Over decades of globalization, we’ve surely sent millions of jobs overseas, only to have the U.S. labor force participation rate increase alongside higher paying jobs that are less physically stressful.

Basically, we could make in America what you want, but to do so we’d have to consign much of the country to Chinese levels of poverty to get there. In short, your “Buy American” program would put you out of business more quickly than you could exclaim, “You’re Fired!” Trump properties won’t sell in a poor America.

Luckily, however, we’re not about to follow your policy lead. Most of us understand that China’s rise has increased our living standards and our ability to create wealth, much as the expanded division of labor has throughout history. For not understanding this, but talking about it as though you do, You’re Fired.