Due to advertising regulations and laws of the People's Republic of China, Google AdWords requires advertisers to submit business licenses and approval certificates for the following product categories:

Agricultural Chemicals
Health Supplements
Medical Appliances
Medical Services
Real Estate
Veterinary Medicine

General information on certificate requirements and document policies can be found at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce website, or by contacting your local AIC bureau for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I am advertising products in these categories, am I required to provide Google with licenses and certificates?
You are required to provide licenses and certificates for these product categories only when your AdWords ad includes the geo-target of China and your targeted language of Chinese (Simplified and Traditional).

What if my product is not in one of the above categories?
If you are not promoting any of the listed products in your AdWords ads, you are not currently required to send licenses and certificates. However, this list is subject to change based on Chinese government policy.

My product requires certificates and my ad is geo-targeting China and language targeting Chinese. How do I get my licenses and certificates to Google?
Please scroll down this page for directions on providing Google with your licenses and certificates. Please click on the appropriate product category link to download the necessary information.