Food and beverage giant PepsiCo has suspended its operations in Beijing after some of its employees tested positive for the coronavirus in the Chinese capital, where the city officials are conducting Covid-19 tests on millions, especially employees of restaurants, food delivery services and market vendors.
China's National Health Commission (NHC) said on Sunday that it had reported 32 new Covid-19 cases in the country.
Read more: Pepsi factory in Beijing suspends after workers test positive June 2020
Huawei Technologies Co expressed disappointment over a Canadian court's ruling over its chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, and the company said it will continue to stand with Meng in her pursuit of justice and freedom.
The company released a statement saying "Huawei is disappointed in the ruling today by the Supreme Court of British Columbia. We have repeatedly expressed confidence in Meng's innocence."
Read more: Huawei 'disappointed' over ruling in Meng Wanzhou case
Wang Wen, the managing president of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China
I live in Wangjing, a quite internationalized area in Beijing. Many Fortune 500 companies are headquartered there, and 10 percent of the around 600,000 residents are expats. Every weekend, I take walks in Wangjing's many parks to exercise and watch the changes in the city.
There have been no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 for a month in many Chinese cities. Wangjing, the internationalized area, is supposed to ease the epidemic control measures. But Wangjing's residents, including many expats, are cautious. They continue to wear masks and guard against second wave of infections.
Can the US and China be ruthless rivals and intense partners at the same time? Holding two seemingly contradictory ideas in our head simultaneously will be difficult. But success in defeating this demon will require nothing less.
For America to defeat the coronavirus and return to a version of life as it was before this nightmare, should we identify China as an adversary against whom to mobilize? Or alternatively, must we recognize it as a partner whose cooperation is essential for our own victory? While the consensus in Washington has moved sharply toward defining China as part of the problem, the fact is that we cannot succeed in this war against coronavirus without making China part of the solution.
Read more: In War Against Coronavirus: Is China Foe—or Friend?
The forest fire had taken place in the same Liangshan Prefecture in 2019, at that time 27 firemen and 3 locals were killed, above is the photo taken on the1st of April 2019.
A forest fire in southwestern China has killed 19 people who were fighting the blaze and hundreds of reinforcements have been sent in as nearby residents are evacuated, officials and state media report.
The area threatened by the fire in Sichuan province is thinly populated, but there was no estimate on how many people were leaving the evacuation zone.
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