Spain has overtaken China to become the country with the second-highest number of coronavirus fatalities in the world after Italy.
The latest figures from the Health Ministry on Wednesday put the number of deaths at 3,434, above the 3,287 recorded in China, and behind Italy, where at least 6,820 people have died from the Covid-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Read more: With 3,434 deaths, Spain now has more coronavirus victims than China
Don’t call it the Spanish flu.
That’s what Spain said in 1918 at the start of what would become the deadliest pandemic in history, killing more than 50 million people worldwide. The Spanish got tagged with the killer name during the end of World War I because Spain was the first country to report the disease publicly, not because it originated there.
Spaniards called the highly contagious disease “The Soldier of Naples” after a catchy song popular at the time. But when the deadly virus exploded across the world and became known as “Spanish influenza,” Spain protested that its people were being falsely stigmatized.
On March 19, US President Donald Trump stood in the White House to give yet another statement about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). A photograph of the president's speech notes showed the word "Corona" scratched out and replaced with "Chinese" written in sharpie.
The photo, taken by a Washington Post reporter, exposes how factually inaccurate Trump's racist language is. Rather than informing the public with scientifically accurate information, Trump is policing language in order to create a political distraction and cover up his own mishandling of the epidemic.
President Xi Jinping spoke over phone on Monday night with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi.
China, Britain agree to support WHO's role in combating COVID-19
BEIJING -- President Xi Jinping and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke over phone on Monday night and voiced support for the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Los Angeles County health officials advised doctors to give up on testing patients in the hope of containing the coronavirus outbreak, instructing them to test patients only if a positive result could change how they would be treated.
The guidance, sent by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to doctors on Thursday, was prompted by a crush of patients and shortage of tests, and could make it difficult to ever know precisely how many people in L.A. County contracted the virus.
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